Prior to hosting the call, we have some helpful tests that will be able to determine whether you have adequate video, audio, and internet connection to successfully host a virtual visit. Please follow the steps below for a 30 second camera and audio hardware test.
Understanding the hardware, software, and call quality test results
First you’ll see a large blue box when the test is complete. It has 3 sections that you can review the results of the different elements that were tested.
Review Hardware & Software Setup
The Video box will show which video outlet you computer will connect to during the video call, so make sure this is the correct video connection
The Audio box will show the audio device for sound output (ex: speaker, internal microphone)
The Browser Compatibility box shows that the browser you’re using to run the test is compatible. We always recommend using a Chrome browser for the best experience, and making sure that it’s the most up-to-date version.
Having auto-updates enabled on your device is very helpful for this reason
Review your server connectivity
We use TokBox to host our virtual visit calls, so this checks to ensure that you’re able to establish a connection to the API server, Messaging WebSocket, Media server, and Logging server so that we’ll be able to see when there is packet loss that would affect connection and call quality.
Review call quality
This step is very important because it will let you know if your internet connection’s bandwidth is stable enough to host a virtual visit.
The screenshots below show when the bandwidth for audio and video are too low. To remedy this, you can try upgrading your WiFi package, moving closer to a wireless network router, or resetting your router.
Bandwidth too low vs Excellent bandwidth