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Experity Patient Transfer Check
Experity Patient Transfer Check

Manual patient transfer check for Experity automation. Designed to allow for human intervention prior to creating a new patient with the goal of preventing duplicates and ensuring best patient match.

Written by Carli Arena
Updated over a month ago

How does Solv integrate with Experity?

Solv integrates with Experity, streamlining your workflow at the front desk in 3 ways:

  1. When a patient books in Solv, their visit is sent to the clinic’s logbook in Experity. If the visit is cancelled or rescheduled, Solv will update the visit in Experity too.

  2. When a patient completes their digital registration in Solv, registration information and consent forms are sent to the patient’s chart in Experity.

  3. When a patient’s visit status is updated in Experity, Solv listens and will update the visit status in Solv automatically.

When a visit is sent from Solv to Experity, the integration runs a rigorous, multi-tiered matching algorithm to assign the visit to the right chart in Experity. If the integration can’t determine which chart to match to, it’s designed to not send the visit. This results in a workflow where you can manually create the corresponding visit in Experity.

What is Experity Patient Transfer Check?

Solv has developed tools to help give you more control over patient matching when the integration algorithm cannot determine a match itself. Once implemented, you will be able to review possible matches or multi-matches to select the correct patient chart.

Below are 3 scenarios you may encounter and how to handle them with these new tools.

If no match is found (New Patient)

If the patient is new to your practice and does not have a chart in your EMR, the integration will automatically identify that the patient does not have a matching chart in Experity and create one for them.

This does not require any intervention, but if you open the EMR Transfer tab you’ll see both the new patient’s EMR ID and confirmation that a new patient was created.

If one or more low confidence matches are found

If the patient enters demographic information (name, DoB, phone number, etc.) that is different from what is in their chart in Experity, the integration may find one or more low confidence matches. This scenario may also occur with twins or triplets.

If the integration finds one or more low confidence matches, an alert will be surfaced in the Solv Queue. Click the alert to open the EMR Transfer tab of the face sheet. Each low confidence match will be listed, including the patient’s name, age, sex, DOB, phone number, and EMR ID. You can select which chart to match to and click “Select this patient” to confirm their match. If the patient is in fact new to your practice, click “Create new patient” to create a new chart for them.

If the correct patient is not shown on this list, you can manually match to a different patient by clicking “Or manually enter EMR ID” and entering their EMR ID on the next page.

If multiple matches are found

It’s possible that a patient has two charts in your EMR. If the patient does have a duplicate chart, the same alert will surface in the queue. If this occurs, it’s important that you review each of the duplicate charts, note down the EMR ID of the correct chart from Experity, and select that chart in the Solv face sheet.

Once you have selected the right chart, alert your manager that you found a duplicate chart and they’ll be able to merge the chart.

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